Tracking cookies

Tracking Cookies

To make our website even easier and more personal, we use cookies (and similar techniques). With these cookies we and third parties can collect information about you and monitor your internet behavior within (and possibly also outside) our website. If you agree with this, we will place these tracking cookies.

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We'll take care of it

A guarantee or a return request? We'll take care of it. We will gladly pick it up for you. We put it in a row
what the rules are:

Basic rules:

  • The item must be purchased from Sinatec Europe BV.
  • Place the return request within 21 days of the invoice date.
  • Claim the warranty request within the set time frame of the article.

The return request in two steps:

  1. Fill in the form correctly and completely; and send it to
  2. We will quickly process your request and answer you to go through the next steps.

 Enter the return & guarantee form here*

*This is a PDF that can be filled in.